Palak Paneer

A Beginner’s Guide to Palak Paneer: A Delicious and Nutritious Recipe

Discover how to make the mouthwatering Indian dish, Palak Paneer, with step-by-step instructions and learn about its health benefits and nutrition information in this comprehensive guide.

 Palak Paneer

Introduction to Palak Paneer: If you’re new to Indian cuisine or looking for a wholesome vegetarian dish, Palak Paneer is a great place to start. This creamy spinach and cottage cheese curry is not only incredibly delicious but also packed with nutrition. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take you through the ingredients, how to cook this flavorful dish, and its many health benefits.

 Ingredients for Palak Paneer

Before we dive into the cooking process, let’s gather all the ingredients you’ll need to prepare a scrumptious Palak Paneer:


1. 250g of Paneer (cottage cheese) – Cut into bite-sized cubes.
2. 300g of Fresh Spinach (Palak) – Washed and blanched.
3. 2 Medium-Sized Onions – Finely chopped.
4. 2 Ripe Tomatoes – Diced.
5. 2 Green Chilies – Chopped (adjust to your spice preference).
6. 4-5 Garlic Cloves – Minced.
7. 1-inch piece of Ginger – Grated.
8. 1/2 cup of Heavy Cream – For that creamy texture.
9. 1/2 cup of Water – Adjust for desired consistency.
10. 1/2 tsp of Cumin Seeds – For tempering.
11. 1/2 tsp of Garam Masala – A blend of Indian spices.
12. 1/2 tsp of Turmeric Powder – Adds a lovely golden hue.
13. 1 tsp of Cumin Powder – Enhances the flavor.
14. 1 tsp of Coriander Powder – For depth of taste.
15. Salt to Taste – A pinch or two.
16. 2 tbsp. of Cooking Oil – For frying the paneer.

Now that you’ve gathered all the ingredients, let’s move on to the cooking process.

How to Cook Palak Paneer

Step 1: Blanch the Spinach
– Begin by blanching the fresh spinach. Boil a pot of water and immerse the spinach for 2-3 minutes.
– Quickly transfer the spinach to an ice water bath to preserve its vibrant green color.
– Drain the spinach and blend it into a smooth paste. Set it aside.

Step 2: Fry the Paneer
– Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan over medium heat.
– Add the paneer cubes and fry them until they turn golden brown. Remove and set them aside.

Step 3: Prepare the Curry Base
– In the same pan, add a bit more oil if needed.
– Add the cumin seeds, chopped onions, minced garlic, and grated ginger. Sauté until the onions turn translucent.

Step 4: Spice it Up
– Add the diced tomatoes and green chilies to the pan.
– Stir in the turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, and salt.
– Cook until the tomatoes are soft and the oil begins to separate.

Step 5: Blend and Simmer
– Now, add the spinach puree and heavy cream to the pan.
– Allow the mixture to simmer for about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
– If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little water to achieve your desired consistency.

Step 6: Add Paneer and Finish
– Finally, add the fried paneer cubes to the simmering spinach curry.
– Sprinkle garam masala over the top for that perfect finishing touch.
– Let it simmer for a few more minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy
– Your homemade Palak Paneer is ready to be served. Garnish with a drizzle of cream and a few paneer cubes.
– It pairs wonderfully with steamed rice, naan, or roti.

Health Benefits of Palak Paneer

Palak Paneer isn’t just a delicious dish; it’s also incredibly nutritious. Here are some of the health benefits associated with its key ingredients:

Spinach (Palak):
– Rich in iron, spinach helps combat anemia.
– Loaded with antioxidants, it boosts your immune system.
– High fiber content aids in digestion and weight management.

Paneer (Cottage Cheese):
– A good source of protein for vegetarians.
– Provides essential amino acids for muscle health.
– Calcium-rich for strong bones and teeth.

Nutritional Information

Let’s take a closer look at the nutrition content in a typical serving of Palak Paneer (approximately 1 cup):

– Calories: 250-300 kcal
– Protein: 10-12 grams
– Carbohydrates: 10-12 grams
– Dietary Fiber: 3-4 grams
– Fat: 18-20 grams
– Calcium: 200-250 mg
– Iron: 4-5 mg
– Vitamin C: 20-25 mg

Keep in mind that these values can vary depending on the recipe and serving size.


In this beginner’s guide to Palak Paneer, you’ve learned how to prepare this flavorful Indian dish, explored its ingredients, and discovered its health benefits and nutritional information. It’s not only a treat for your taste buds but also a wholesome addition to your diet.

Now, it’s time to don your chef’s hat and give Palak Paneer a try. Enjoy the delightful combination of creamy spinach and soft paneer cubes in this classic Indian dish!


Q1: Is Palak Paneer a spicy dish?
Ans: Palak Paneer can be adjusted to your spice preference. You can control the level of spiciness by adding or reducing the amount of green chilies in the recipe.

Q2: Can I use frozen spinach for Palak Paneer?
Ans: Yes, you can use frozen spinach as a convenient alternative to fresh spinach. Just make sure to thaw and drain it before blending.

Q3: How do I make Palak Paneer vegan?
Ans: To make a vegan version, replace paneer with tofu or a vegan cheese alternative, and use coconut cream instead of heavy cream.

Q4: Can I prepare Palak Paneer in advance?
Ans: Yes, you can prepare Palak Paneer in advance and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Reheat gently before serving.

Q5: What type of rice pairs best with Palak Paneer?
Ans: Basmati rice is a popular choice to serve with Palak Paneer, as its fragrant and fluffy texture complements the dish well.

Q6: Is Palak Paneer suitable for a diabetic diet?
Ans: Palak Paneer can be consumed in moderation by those with diabetes. The fiber in spinach and protein in paneer can help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Q7: Can I add other vegetables to Palak Paneer?
Ans: Absolutely! You can customize your Palak Paneer by adding vegetables like peas, mushrooms, or bell peppers for added flavor and texture.

Q8: What is the difference between Palak Paneer and Saag Paneer?
Ans: Palak Paneer primarily uses spinach, while Saag Paneer uses a mix of leafy greens like mustard greens and fenugreek leaves along with spinach.

Q9: Is Palak Paneer gluten-free?
Ans: Yes, Palak Paneer is naturally gluten-free. Just be cautious with the brands of spices and cream you use to ensure they don’t contain any gluten additives.

Q10: Can I make Palak Paneer without a blender?
Ans: While a blender makes the process easier, you can use a mortar and pestle or finely chop the blanched spinach to achieve a similar consistency.


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